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Facilitation ability
Calming presence


ilmer (27) was born in Pahoyan and is the last son of Olinda, whom he works alongside, acquiring knowledge and ways of ancestral medicine.


Jilmer is responsible for assisting men during ayahuasca ceremonies and during their dieta with the master plants.

Your journey begins here

Ready to embark on your
Healing journey?

The plants have called out to you and you’ve received the message, otherwise you would have never made it to our website.

The question is, are you ready to immerse yourself in the world of authentic shipibo plant medicine healing?

1) Choose your duration

Choose the duration of your stay, guests typically stay for between 10-30 days to have a full immersive experience.

2) Get Your Personal healing plan

Based on your goals and challenges, the shamans will prescribe specific plants for you to work with alongside ayahuasca.

3) Change your life

There’s not doubt this will be a journey of a lifetime. With the experience of our family, you’ll get what you need.



Jilmer (27) was born in Pahoyan and is the last son of Maestra Olinda. He is responsible for assisting men during ayahuasca ceremonies.



Urban (32) was born in Sweden. Today he works as a coach and co-leads the retreat with the family, connecting the western world to the ancient medicine.



Gladys (29) was born in the Amazon. A woman dedicated to ancestral medicine and is a daughter of Olinda.